Adding graphics to a page
 RAW Code
 HTML structure
 Adding text
 Adding graphics
 Graphics 2
 Linking pages
 Creating lists
 Other stuff

Right!  Now for the fun stuff...

Adding graphics couldn┤t be simpler.  There are only two things you need to do.

  1. Insert the correct tag
  2. Know the location of the graphic you wish to display.

The tag is easy.  It looks like this:
<img src = "....">  (This is short for "the image source is...")

Next thing is to tell the tag WHERE the image is to be found.  Like this:
<img src = "/icons/graphics.gif">  (This tells the tag that the graphic it must display is called "graphics.gif", and it can be found in the "icons" subdirectory.

Probably the easiest way to get it right is to place any graphic you wish to display in the same directory as the HTML file.  This way, you don┤t need to specify a PATH to the graphic.  Just call it by name.  Like this:
<img src = "graphics.gif">